Wednesday, June 13, 2007

On my way to the Big Apple!

Well, it certainly has been an eventful couple of weeks! I've been working during the day and rehearsing for our New York shows and our play for Valdez as well. So blogging has been at a minimum :) But now we are officially on our way to New York! As I write this entry, I'm sitting in the Seattle airport for a brief layover. But by this evening, we'll be in the Big Apple! It's kind of hard to believe...

The past two weekends I was part of the Three Barons Renaissance Fair in Anchorage, and I'll make an effort to put some photos up sometime soon. It really was a lot of fun.

Last night we had an Anchorage performance of the short plays we'll be doing in New York. It was VERY well attended, and we had to add a lot of extra seats. But it was so wonderful having such a friendly audience to send us off. After performing the shows, it finally felt real, that we would be performing these for an audience in New York. Needless to say, it was hard for me to fall asleep last night from anticipation :)

I don't know if I'll have easy access to internet while in New York, but if I don't post from there, I'll definitely post updates once I return. Wish us broken legs!


1 comment:

Moogan said...

Break Leif's Legs!!!! =) Love you and wish I was with you! ~ moo