Friday, December 29, 2006

Alaska Update

Well, I've been in Alaska for about two weeks--I know, I didn't really have an official "I'm in Alaska now" post, but so goes life :)

This is what the first week consisted of: I arrived Thursday afternoon, Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat :) I was none to thrilled about this, and unfortunately it broke into a full out cold. On the positive side, it never got too horrible, and I had time to relax and try to get better. But still, I had come all the way to Alaska to see people, and I ended up spending a lot of time at home with the dogs :) But that has its plus sides too!

But just because I was sick does not mean that I did not jump right into things. As it happened, the weekend after my arrival was the one-page play festival. I had friends who were directing in it and offered me a couple roles. The title of the festival should be a clue in, but the night consisted of a bunch of one-page plays. It's kind of fun, because different directors can choose to do the same play, so sometimes the way a play is done is different, and it's interesting to see the various choices made. And they are all pretty short, so the night seems to fly by. We had two nights of performances, and I think that everyone did a great job--it was a pretty good evening of theater!

Here are a couple photos from shows I did--next post I'll get you some highlights of week two (and maybe week 3 the rate I'm going with blogging posts!):

From "Theodore Goodman" by Erin Mitchell (photos by Colin Lamar):

Photos from "The Note Left by the Man" by Dawson Moore (photos by Colin Lamar):


Anonymous said...

When I see you in that black outfit it makes me want to make oot with a psychiatrist. Does that make me bad?



Moogan said...

I think it's funny that both plays feature you and a purple chair with someone else. =)

Wish I could have seen them! Love you!

gypsy said...

you are soon going to be famous...
promise you will still remember us?