Sunday, September 10, 2006

Nickel Creek in concert

Megan, Melanie, and I went to see Nickel Creek in concert tonight at an outdoor music festival. I didn't take any photos of us, mostly because we were just too incredibly attractive all bundled up to see the show. I know the blogging world reading this just could not take it; it would have been too much for mortal man to handle.

It was actually quite chilly outside, but it was so worth it to go to the show. I just felt bad for them performing. I remember playing in fiddle contests at the State Fair in Alaska, and it always seemed to be rainy and cold on those days... my fingers would start to feel arthritic! They would get quite stiff. So it was to my amazement and respect that they played incredibly well--it was so much fun! It made it that much more fun to go with Megan and Melanie. This really was a blast. One highlight, besides hearing a bunch of their own incredible music, was a cover version of "Toxic" by Brittany Spears. Too funny, and actually quite good! If you've never heard Nickel Creek, then you absolutely must go and get one of their albums! least one :)


Anonymous said...

All of that bundled beauty and none of us get to share.

Ah, well, that's the price we pay for living in Alaska.


Sounds like you guys had fun!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetness,

Just so you know I MC'd the fiddle contest at the State Fair this year and yes indeed it was cold and rainy.

Thanks for the answering machine concert. It was a hoot.

