Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm in another play :)

Every time I get cast in a play here in Minnesota, it's such a relief. This can't just be another fluke! I've been cast in Theatre in the Round's production of The Madwoman of Chaillot. I am essentially an extra, playing a couple small parts, but I am absolutely thrilled. This theatre company is well respected in the Twin Cities, and this cast seems to be pretty darn good. Don't get me wrong, I love sinking my teeth into bigger roles, but there's something so much fun about playing small parts too--it is definitely less stress, and I still get to be there in the theatre, which is what I love.



Moogan said...

I love playing smaller roles, when you just get to hang out and have a good time without tons of extra stress, especially when it's with an awesome theatre company! I've also noticed that someone is posting to their blog more now that they're at home more... interesting... =) love you!

Mara Noelle said...

Yay! How exciting to watch your career develop.

Anonymous said...

Do you get an extra million for the nudie scene? :P



ak_hepcat said...

what's the schedule of the run? Will you be done in time?

Where's the video from the last one? ;-)