Monday, November 28, 2005

Surgery tomorrow!

Well, tomorrow is the big day! I'm going in tomorrow morning for LASIK eye surgery. I am a bit nervous, as many things could go wrong, but I'm also excited. If I can just stay calm, I know I'll live through it... at least I hope I will :)

So I've had to wear my glasses this whole time... since I wrote the entry about "My Complex" back in September. I have gotten used to wearing the glasses, but I've also found them to be a huge pain. I don't exactly feel like that awkward ugly girl anymore when I wear them, but I feel hidden behind them, if this makes any sense. I'll be very glad to shed them tomorrow.

Anyway, those of you who do so, I would greatly appreciate some prayers. I'll update my blog with how it goes... but probably not for a few days :)

I'll "see" you soon (wah, wah, waaah!)!


a said...

It will be great! I had my eyes done a few years ago and the feeling of waking in the morning, opening your eyes and seeing everything in the rooms without glasses or contacts is great!


Anonymous said...

good luck lindsay joon! will be praying for you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Luck and prayers Linz! Talk to you after the surgery.

