Saturday, March 18, 2006

Creative ways to make money

Well, since moving down to Minnesota took a chunk of change, I've been looking into various ways that I can be earning some money that don't lock me into a job that will prevent me from doing theater. So before I left Alaska, I started considering becoming a PartyLite candle consultant--that's right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm selling candles!

I'm actually really excited about it, which is great. I just received my starter kit in the mail, and it has all of these really cool products in it. The best part is that I didn't have to put any money down to start! I had a starter show, where Pam, who is my sponsor, ran a show that I watched (while I was back up in Alaska, which Megan hosted--thanks Megan!) and studied all the different things she was saying. That show allowed me to not only get the starter kit, but I was able to choose additional products to add to my kit to be able to display at shows--for free! So it was a great success, and Pam, who was the one who got me started in this business has been a lot of help.

So, I officially have my first party this week! I hope I don't fall flat on my face, but since I like the candles and holders so much, that goes a long way to help with my enthusiasm. I'm still trying to book shows here in the Twin Cities, so any of you local people wanting to host a show and get lots of free stuff, just let me know! Heck, there are some of my friends holding shows up in Alaska--they're awesome!

So that's the latest development for me. The plan is that this is something that I have the flexibility to choose when I do it, so that if (or rather, when) I get involved with a play, I'll be able to work around my schedule. I'm still doing temp jobs for now, but eventually this may end up being my main income. We'll see how it goes! At least my home smells really good :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetness,

I know you went back and forth between selling candels and being a stripper. I really want you to know how glad I am that you went with selling candels!!!!! If you went the other way it would be a lot harder to post pictures on your Blog. :P



~Frooghi's~ said...

LINDS i am so proud of you!! Cant wait to see pictures! I know you'll do great at the party! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsay,

If you get one of those fancy holders we saw in the catalogue as a bonus gift, I would love to "borrow" it from you.
Good luck with this aromatic adventure.



Moogan said...

She's not kidding! Lots of free stuff! I got about $300 worth of free candley things when I threw my party for her. And now I can smell pretty too! Thanks Lindsay for making it all possible! Wtihout you, my house would smell like *$#*%$! =)