Sunday, March 26, 2006

My first 40-hour week in a while

Well, for better and for worse, I have not had a solid full-time job in quite some time. It has essentially been 3 months since I worked an 8-5 gig, so after this first week, I am certainly exhausted! I kind of laugh at myself, but it has always been a challenge to wake up early, mostly because I naturally stay up later. But I'm adjusting, so all is well.

This week was quite a busy one as well! I went to Baha'i activities Sat-Wed, then I had my first PartyLite candle party on Thursday, and a friend's party on Friday. With working during the day and doing all these activities at night, I was certainly grateful for Saturday!

And it was a great Saturday, because my Aunt Terry and Uncle Gavin stopped through Minneapolis on their way back to Alaska from traveling. They had about a 3-hour layover, so Shelly and I were able to pick them up from the airport and bring them back to the apartment to chat for a while. It was so great hugging them and getting to talk. Particularly because I was feeling a little bit homesick yesterday, so it was nice to have a little piece of home here for a bit.

The last bit of news is that I have an audition with the Guthrie! It's by total luck that I found out about the opportunity. I was calling their offices just to get an idea of what the typical rehearsal schedule is when they are working on a play (I was seeing how I could organize my availability for work), and when I talked to the guy, he told me about an opportunity that was happening that afternoon, where there was a 2.5 hour time period where non-union actors could call in and make an appointment for an audition. It was happening that day! If I had called one day later I would have totally missed it. So during my lunch hour I called over and over again, trying to get through--but it was busy for so long! I had pretty much given up hope, when after about 40 minutes I got through! I couldn't believe it. Anyway, my audition is next Saturday, at 11:30, so I would of course greatly appreciate prayers and positive thoughts. I'm so excited about the possibility of getting a smaller part and starting to earn my points towards eligibility in the union. It would be so awesome to do this at the Guthrie, so I hope I have a chance! Seriously, I would be happy to be the third spear carrier from the left if I was on the Guthrie stage :)

Bye for now,


Anonymous said...

Looks like "Someone" is looking out for you. :)

Good Luck Shaken-them-up on Sat.

Practice, Practice, Practice...
(Quoted from Sneakers....)

John Gubatayao

ak_hepcat said...

Whoo! Go get 'em, tiger!

Moogan said...

You can do it, my dear! All my thoughts will be with you on Saturday morning. love you!

~Frooghi's~ said...

Lindsay joon my thoughts and prayers are with you! I know you'll do great :) :)

And welcome to the world of 40-hr work weeks :) I know how that is - i work 55 and lord it's hell!

Good luck sweetie :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know why anyone should have to work a 40 hour work week. I think we should all have jobs watching movies for four hours a day for which we are paid an obscene anount of money and then the shank of the day should be spent in leisure.

just one man's point of view.


sashwee said...

Hi Lindsay,
Reading your blog is almost like reading a novel. Lot's of good dramatic tension. Looking forward to future episodes!