Sunday, December 18, 2005

First pangs of moving sadness

Well, tonight I had my first pangs of moving sadness. We're in the final weekend of "I'll Always Love Christmas", which will be my last play here in Anchorage. Tonight was the theater company’s Christmas party, and a group of us that are the cast of "Folk's Tales", a story telling and song singing troop of my friends, got together to perform a few down-home Christmas songs for the group. The songs went well, and it was a lot of fun, but it hit me when we finished that this would be the last real performance with this group that I would have before leaving... and this made me very sad.

I suppose it's good that I feel sad to leave Alaska--it just shows how much I love it. And for a while I've realized that it would be hard for me to leave--but while the intellectual realization has been there for a while, I am now entering the emotional part of my separation--a necessary step, but difficult all the same.

I'll miss everyone when I'm gone, but I hope to get lots of visits when I'm in Minnesota! At least I'll have my aunt to live with; otherwise I think this would be unbearable! I'm sure many of you can relate; it's exciting but difficult. And many tears will be shed in the next few weeks...


Anonymous said...

Yes, moving is a scary thing indeed. However, it is exciting too! I know you will do great out in Minn. and hey at least you will be that much closer to me. :)

Anonymous said...


I would have guessed that the post-show-sad would get easier with each show. That does not, however, seem to be the case.

This show was particularly sad for me to see end. In great part for personal reasons, but also because you are leaving.

I'm so glad I got a chance to do this show with you. I'm not sure you realize it but I learned a very great deal from you both on stage (from you expressive eyes) and during our hurried, wispered conversations back stage.

Thanks Lindsay.
