Friday, December 23, 2005


So, earlier today someone forwarded a link to an article on MSNBC's website about Snowzilla, a huge, 16-foot snowman that was built right here in Anchorage, Alaska! Well, our family could not pass up an opportunity to visit this huge man of snow (and take pictures, of course!). I must say, it was a very powerful moment, one I will treasure always :)

The pictures don't do him justice! We weren't the only ones to make this trek; several other families stopped by for their own photo opportunity. I think it's pretty darn cool that people did this, and it is super fun to go and see!


Dave said...

Was relly cool to go and see, that guy did a hell of a job ;)

Dave said...

Er, I meant really.... heh

gypsy said...

i LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

I love your coat and purse. They are fantastic

Rik Tod Johnson said...

It figures! I leave town and someone else unleashes a monstrous snowman on the place!! Crush it all, Snowzilla!!

(Will his radioactive breath melt him, though?)