Thursday, December 29, 2005

Just because

Hey everyone! While I was packing up some things from my room, I came across a disc of photos from the musical Rockin' Red Riding Hood which we performed in May of this year. I never got a chance to send out any photos, so I thought I would share a couple. The story and music were written right here in Anchorage, Alaska. We had a live band on stage with us (the racoons), and I was part of a trio of bunnies who traveled throughout the story, singing and narrating throughout (I'm the blue bunny!). It was so much fun--enjoy the photos (to view a larger copy, just click on the photo)!

photos taken by Tony Batres

1 comment:

Rik Tod Johnson said...

Did you guys record a CD of the music?

(Love the Kill Bill masks on the band!)