Thursday, August 17, 2006

Get on the bus!

Well, tomorrow will mark my two-week anniversary of riding the bus to work :) I don't know what took me so long! I love riding the bus to work. I don't have to pay for parking, I'm not paying for gas, and there's less wear on my car. And I can't explain why, but I just really enjoy it. Perhaps it goes back to my childhood years, when our family had one car that my dad used at work, so my primary mode of transportation with my mom was by bus. Perhaps it's because it's a bit of a social thing--I'm out with the community on the bus (I don't really talk to people much, so I don't know how much this can count, but I still in a strange way feel a part of the community, if that makes sense). Perhaps it's because I feel like I'm doing my small part to helping the environment. Who knows?

All I know is that I like it. The bus lets me off just across the street from work, and I have a little bit of a walk between my house and the bus, but that builds in my daily walk, which I had neglected when I got busy. I also often bring my iPod, so my life has a backing track for part of the day. Okay, so it's only been two weeks :) And it's summer, so I haven't had to walk in the cold yet. So we'll see how things go. All I know is that for the present I'm perfectly happy with riding the bus :)

1 comment:

Moogan said...

bus ri-der... she's a bus rider. =)