Thursday, August 10, 2006

Cannibal photos!

Here's a couple photos from the show that the fringe staff took (there are more on the fringe website from the Saturday evening slideshow).

The angle is not the most flattering, but it's the closest those of you who are afar will have to seeing the show!

The second photo is the "Hotchick Indian" Tribe :)


ak_hepcat said...

who's that hotchick on the right?

Let's see yer rain-dance!

(so jealous I can't see it!)

~Frooghi's~ said...

is it hot in here or what????? hhehehe :)

Anonymous said...

On behalf of native americans everywhere it is wonderful to, at last, see a sensetive and honest portrayal of our people.

Thank you!

PS Hee hee. I'm not really a native american

PPS Double hee hee I asw you in your undies.

Moogan said...

Yeah for Cannical the musical! It looks like a hoot and a half. Love you!