Saturday, January 21, 2006

Colin goes home...

Well, Shelly and I dropped off Colin at the airport this afternoon. I'm really glad Shelly came with me, so that I didn't have to leave the airport by myself. That helped a lot.

I'm excited for Colin going home, as he's got some cool stuff happening at work, and all of his other obligations... that's the rational side of me. The little girl side of me is wanting to crumple up and cry and demand that he stay! I'm SO grateful that he was able to come with me to help get me settled. It was in no means a vacation! Get this: he helps me drive the car from Seattle to Saint Paul, then I drag him on endless shopping trips, where he is forced to carry heavy things, then he moves heavy things into our apartment and assembles them, then he ... drum roll please... proceeds to remove, one by one, the studs from my winter tires!!! Here's a photo of the dish of studs after he had finished all four tires (roughly 150 studs in each one!):

And those are just the highlights of what he did! While I appreciated having him here for his brawn, I appreciated his brain too :) Those who know Colin know how funny he can be, and he was often making Shelly and I laugh. So, I know Colin probably doesn't like that I have a post about him on my blog, but I've gone ahead and done it!

I love you Colin! You're the best brother a girl could have, and I miss you already!


leila said...


i don't even know what that means, to remove studs from your tires? were they in there deliberately? anyway, God bless brainy, brawny brothers.

carla's keeping up the alaskan represent in sea pea oh these old days. and then me-me-me-me-melanie was exchanged for another texan. so that's alright.

we like them a lot. but you sound like you're having fun, so we're excited for you ... that's the rational side of us.

cheerio for now.
love from leila

Lindsay Lamar said...

Hey Leila! I was just catching up on your blog! Congrats on getting married, and you look really great! I suppose I should explain with the studs: In Alaska, and in some areas where there is snow and ice throughout the winter, you are allowed to have studded tires. The studs stick out just a little bit from the tire, and they give you tire just a little bit more to grab onto the snow and ice. They also wreak havoc on roads, so they are not legal everywhere. They are in Alaska, but Minnesota does not allow them. My tires were still good winter tires, but the studs had to be removed. So rather than spend yet even more money in this move, Colin was kind enough to pop them out of the tires (a little over an hour for each tire). It was very kind of him to do!

Anonymous said...

reading this post makes me miss my brother a thousand times more than i already do......
you lucky girl you!!! :)